"Chumachechaya vesna" music video from Retro – Potap and Nastya
Potap began to create a fun video! We highly evaluated new video for the song "Chumachechaya Vesna” and give you the opportunity to do so.
Everyone, who does not understand, we report, that this kind of video has been loved by your ancestors. Potap and Nastya decided to devote this video to the spring, which pleases us with its appearance for the past 18 days.
Wrong title — @Сргьфсрусрфнф муытф@ ьгышс мшвущ акщь Куекщ – Зщефз фтв Тфыенф
Source: navsi100.com Edited by www.sky-language.co.uk
Tags: Potap i Nastya, music video
Today is the name day of:
Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian