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  • "Sweet Dreams" by Kirsten Lepore Here’s an amazing stop animated short film, made almost entirely with real food, that will entertain you while trying to open your mind to things such as trying to open your mind. Written, directed and animated by Kirsten Lepore.

    3 May, 18:03

  • You can't communicate? Check yourself for autism! Social and human behavioral problems may be related to the fact that since childhood he has mild symptoms of autism.

    13 September, 20:38

  • Women will die because of men's habits Because of bad habits, including smoking, women more frequently get sick, that's why their life expectancy will decrease. Statistics says that in Europe women live longer than men.

    7 September, 23:12

  • Candies will replace energy drinks Siberian scientists have created a candies-energetics based on taiga herbs and honey. In Novosibirsk's shops energetic lollipops have appeared.

    6 September, 19:53

  • Jealousy spoils woman's vision Thanks to recent research scientists have learned that jealousy makes a huge emotional impact on women, compromising their ability to visual perception of reality.

    30 August, 14:35

  • To remember the information, you should make mistakes Scientists from Canada have concluded that adult brain better remember information when it makes mistakes and it has to go through the ordeal.

    25 August, 22:34

  • Can we have sex and stay friends? There are many variations of relationships in our life, but we still face the question of whether friendship can exist, if you sleep with your friend.

    23 August, 14:52

  • The most sexy age for women Scientists from different countries surveyed more than 1,000 women to set in which period of life women and girls feel themselves the most attractive and sexy. Polls were conducted by qualified psychologists and sexologists of leading European universities and research centers.

    22 August, 22:08

  • Delay is a problem of ejaculation Any man wants to have sex as long as possible. However, there are cases when delay of ejaculation becomes nothing but the whole tragedy for lovers.

    22 August, 21:10

  • Short skirts help women to live longer The less clothes a woman wears, the greater her chances for a long life. British researchers who conducted a study involving five thousand women over 70 years believe this is true.

    22 August, 20:21

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian