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Jealousy spoils woman's vision

30 August, 14:35


Thanks to recent research scientists have learned that jealousy makes a huge emotional impact on women, compromising their ability to visual perception of reality.

American researchers had conducted an experiment with heterosexual couples in which the fair sex had to find pictures of beautiful landscapes on a computer screen, alternating with unpleasant images. At the same time the partner of this woman was near, dealing with assessment of the attractiveness of models, photographs of which appeared on his monitor.

As a result of data the scientists have made a conclusion that the more woman feels jealous, the worse images are for her on the monitor, and the harder she can choose beautiful pictures of landscapes. It appears that emotions have the power over the level of processing signals from the perception.

It remains only to add that even our ancestors hadn't had any researches, noted that "jealousy blinds" - writes
Wrong title — Оуфдщгын ызщшды цщьфтэы мшышщт

30 August, 14:35


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