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Tag: "It's interesting"Tag: "It's interesting" (1-5)
  • The latest e-paper from Fujitsu Fujitsu Corporation showed at the International Digital Publishing Expo exhibition a book reader prototype-based electronic color paper. The device is equipped with a display of cholesteric liquid crystals.

    13 July, 20:38

  • Beauties Give Birth to Daughters The evolutionary psychologists from London School of Economics state that beautiful women have more children than their plainer counterparts, and a higher proportion of those children are girls.

    7 April, 12:17

  • The Scientists Prove that Chocolate Makes Women Slimmer The results of a new research undertaken by American scientists showed that girls who like chocolate and sweets have lower body mass index ( BMI) than the ones who do not consume sweets.

    4 April, 19:45

  • Fresh Coffee and Walk in Park Cure Depression The smell of fresh coffee and a walk in the park, two simple pleasures which are key to a happy life.

    1 April, 00:25

  • Top-10 Healthiest Breakfast Ideas The doctors say that it’s good to have breakfast in the morning in order to stay healthy and full of life throughout the day: scrambled eggs or omelette, oat porridge with fresh or dried fruit, muesli with milk or juice, buckwheat porridge with milk, fruit salad, vegetable salad with green leaves, cheese with fruit, wholemeal bread, yoghurt, low fat cheese.

    28 March, 18:32

Today We Celebrate

Namesake Day


Today is the name day of:

George, Egor, Timothy