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Tag: "birthday"Tag: "birthday" (1-7)
  • Timati paid almost 100 thousand dollars for his birthday party On August 15 Timati celebrated its 28th anniversary. Resort town Saint-Tropez once a year is going through culture shock in the middle of August. It was another party from Timati.

    22 August, 17:20

  • Ponomarev's birthday. "Attention!" On August 9 National Artist of Ukraine Alexander Ponomarev celebrated his 38th birthday and a major celebration of which was planned on 12 August at the country restaurant "Partizan". For several years the singer has been organizing his birthday in certain styles. This year's party was held in military subjects.

    17 August, 00:18

  • Sofia Rotaru celebrated her birthday On August 7th famous artist of USSR Sofia Rotaru celebrated her birthday.

    11 August, 12:01

  • Alexander Ponomarev is waiting for his son Famous Ukrainian singer Alexander Ponomarev is celebrating his 38th anniversary on August 9. In honor of the holiday the singer intends to make a party to his friends in the restaurant in military style.

    8 August, 16:55

  • Lady Gaga Got Penis and Made Her Mum Blush? Last Monday the singer was celebrating her 25th birthday. Reportedly, diamonds and exclusive sex-doll with huge penis were given to her as birthday presents.

    1 April, 13:56

  • A Birthday boy finds Aguilera Drunk in His Bed Christina Aguilera showed up uninvited to Jeremy Renner's 40th birthday, got "wasted" and then passed out on his bed.

    25 January, 23:55

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian