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Lady Gaga Got Penis and Made Her Mum Blush?

1 April, 13:56


Last Monday the singer was celebrating her 25th birthday. Reportedly, diamonds and exclusive sex-doll with huge penis were given to her as birthday presents.

A party took place in one of Mexican restaurants in Los Angeles. Among the guests invited to the party there was the birthday girl’s friend Luke Carl, Fergie ( Black Eyed Peas), super model Cindy Crawford according to Contact Music and Daily Mirror. 

 One of the unknown guests gave Gava diamonds, and the other gave her a doll specially made for Lady Gaga- with enormously big penis, - the informer reports.
Wrong title — Дфвн Пфпф Пще Зутшы фтв Ьфву Рук Ьгь Идгыр&

1 April, 13:56


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