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Alexander Ponomarev is waiting for his son

8 August, 16:55


Famous Ukrainian singer Alexander Ponomarev is celebrating his 38th anniversary on August 9. In honor of the holiday the singer intends to make a party to his friends in the restaurant in military style.

The holiday will be designed to trifles, because Alexander is a lover of costumed party, for example, two years ago he celebrated his birthday in gangster style - wrote

One of the main guests invited to a birthday party, is his son Alexander Jr., however, it is still unknown whether his son will welcome his father with presence.

"Whether his son will be at the birthday party or not, we don't know - Victoria has not said "yes" yet"- said the director of the Ponomarev production center, Nonna Kondrashova.
Wrong title — Фдучфтвук Зщтщьфкум шы цфшештп ащк ршы ыщт

8 August, 16:55


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