Tag: "son"Tag: "son" (1-3)
Aleksandr Ponomarev will fight for his son Divorce of Ukrainian singer Aleksandr Ponomarev and his wife Victoria is one of the hottest topics for discussion in the Ukrainian show business. And now, when they dotted all the ‘i’s, and the couple divorced, passion was not extinguished.
23 August, 12:20
Stas Mikhailov took a child from his mother Famous Russian singer Stas Mikhailov, who recently married his civilian wife Inna, took his child from his first marriage. 10-year Nikita has been accompaning his father for a month already.
22 August, 16:56
Alexander Ponomarev is waiting for his son Famous Ukrainian singer Alexander Ponomarev is celebrating his 38th anniversary on August 9. In honor of the holiday the singer intends to make a party to his friends in the restaurant in military style.
8 August, 16:55
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian