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Stas Mikhailov took a child from his mother

22 August, 16:56


Famous Russian singer Stas Mikhailov, who recently married his civilian wife Inna, took his child from his first marriage. 10-year Nikita has been accompaning his father for a month already.

In turn, the his first wife Inna Gorb worried that the singer would not bring her son back. It is time to prepare for school. "He says that the boy need a mother till 10 years, then a father need to bring a child up. We do not even know when he'll return the child. And he still calls his grandfather as father,"- said former mother-in-law of Russian singer.

Mikhailov carries his son with him everywhere, and it is possible that the boy will educate with the teachers individually instead of going to school - writes
Wrong title — Ыефы Ьшлрфшдщм ещщл ф сршдв акщь ршы ьщерук

22 August, 16:56


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