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Aleksandr Ponomarev will fight for his son

23 August, 12:20


Divorce of Ukrainian singer Aleksandr Ponomarev and his wife Victoria is one of the hottest topics for discussion in the Ukrainian show business. And now, when they dotted all the ‘i’s, and the couple divorced, passion was not extinguished.

The stumbling block between Alexander and Victoria became their son Sasha. They are now fighting for the right to custody of baby. Viktoria has allocated too little time for meeting with son. This Ponomarev said in an interview with Dusia.

- We have a son with Victoria, and I love him very much and I'm attached to him very much, the only thing that I truly want is all the best for my Sasha, and I will fight for the right to be with my son 24 hours a week and not 12, as my ex-wife require - said
Wrong title — Фдулыфтвк Зщтщьфкум цшдд ашпре ащк ршы ыщт

23 August, 12:20


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