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Tag: "divorce"Tag: "divorce" (1-3)
  • Aleksandr Ponomarev will fight for his son Divorce of Ukrainian singer Aleksandr Ponomarev and his wife Victoria is one of the hottest topics for discussion in the Ukrainian show business. And now, when they dotted all the ‘i’s, and the couple divorced, passion was not extinguished.

    23 August, 12:20

  • Alan Badoev’s Wife Wants Divorce There have been rumours in Ukrainian show business that Alan Badoev, young and popular film director, does not any longer live with his wife.

    8 March, 11:40

  • Eva Longoria and Tony Parker are getting a divorce! According to TMZ, Parker was the one who filed for divorce! He reportedly filed papers yesterday in Texas.

    19 February, 11:35

Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian