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Alan Badoev’s Wife Wants Divorce

8 March, 11:40


There have been rumours in Ukrainian show business that Alan Badoev, young and popular film director, does not any longer live with his wife.
According to  Badoev’s wife, Zhanna, applied for divorce. The gossipers explain that the reason for the divorce is simple - Alan is gay. The prominent clip maker prefers the company of young boys. It’s no longer a secret that the singer Max Barskih is Badoev’s boy friend.

When Zhanna Badoeva was asked  why she was getting divorced she gave no comments. Lots of people close to the couple agree that the mother of two is sick and tired of her hubby’s love adventures.
Alan and Zhanna are co-presenters of an author TV programme on one of the channels and have been considered to be a happy couple up till now.
Wrong title — Фдфт Ифвщум’ы Цшау Цфтеы Вшмщксу

8 March, 11:40


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