Different newsDifferent news (21-30)
Experts called eight dishes - dangerous for the figure A team of researchers from the U.S. conducted the analysis among popular dishes in public caterings, and made up a kind of hit parade of eight of them, which are the most dangerous and lead to obesity.
30 July, 14:19
Testosterone protects from allergies Scientists have found explanation for why men rarely suffer from allergies. Experts have noted long ago that men compared to women rarely suffer from inflammatory diseases. But only now scientists have been able to find explanation for this.
29 July, 19:57
A suitcase, on which you can ride only for $400 Forget about booking a taxi, you can now ride on your suitcase directly to the airport or to the station by wonder-invention of British Micro Scooters UK - «suitcase-scooters» Micro-Luggage.
28 July, 22:04
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American scientists about relationships It turns out that as American scientists from the University of California have recently discovered, a man, choosing a mate, isn't looking for his contradiction, as previously thought, but rather similar to himself either by look, or by nature or status in society or even by several features simultaneously.
28 July, 21:23
The right weight of the wife - the guarantee of happy marriage The guarantee of a long and happy marriage - in couple's weight, say researchers from the University of Tennessee. According to experts, a woman should be in better shape than her partner.
21 July, 17:05
The habits, that harm your skin You thoroughly take care of your appearance, but you don't even think that some procedures adversely affect the skin. Here are the most common mistakes of skin care.
19 July, 13:26
A smart bed was invented in Switzerland Innovative hospital bed is equipped with a special mattress, which is situated on a holistic flexible frame. Caving in some places and bulging in other, mattress simply makes patients in postures that are typical for healthy sleep.
19 July, 12:25
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Mosquitoes like dirty socks Scientists from Tanzania found out that the smell of stale socks attract mosquitoes more than other natural flavors of human. This discovery allowed professionals to develop a bait for malaria parasites with odor of dirty socks.
16 July, 15:30
Sexologists found out where erotic dreams came from It has been proven long ago that during waking brain works more efficiently, and during sleep all mechanisms slow down, including the olfactory perception.
15 July, 21:15
The latest e-paper from Fujitsu Fujitsu Corporation showed at the International Digital Publishing Expo exhibition a book reader prototype-based electronic color paper. The device is equipped with a display of cholesteric liquid crystals.
13 July, 20:38
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian