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The habits, that harm your skin

19 July, 13:26


You thoroughly take care of your appearance, but you don't even think that some procedures adversely affect the skin. Here are the most common mistakes of skin care.

Exfoliation. From time to time, your skin need exfoliation. However, the obsession with this procedure may harm it. Because after applying face scrub your skin becomes vulnerable. Especially it's in danger in the summer when the sun's rays become more active.

Solarium. Of course, every girl dreams about a golden tan. However, don't forget about such unpleasant things as skin cancer, premature aging and age spots. On the beach your skin is also in danger. That's why don't forget to put a cream containing SPF.

Sleeping with makeup. After a fun party or a hard day you go to bed, forgetting to wash off the makeup. This situation is familiar to every girl. For some it's become a habit already. As a result, pores on your face become blocked and pimples appear. If you can't climb out of bed, hold a special cleaning wipes for removing makeup on your night table.

Popping pimples. When a hateful pimple appears on the face, most of girls immediately try to squeeze it out. And none of them think that this procedure can lead to serious infection and inflammation. If you are still unable to remove your hands from your face, then wipe it with tonic and pop a pimple with a cotton wool. Then be sure to clean the wound - recommends
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19 July, 13:26


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