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A suitcase, on which you can ride only for $400

28 July, 22:04


Forget about booking a taxi, you can now ride on your suitcase directly to the airport or  to the station by wonder-invention of British Micro Scooters UK - «suitcase-scooters» Micro-Luggage.

Soon you could buy a technical achievements  for $ 400, on which you can safely get to the airport, and then just pass it in luggage as usual bag. It is "crossed" with the scooter, so it will bring you to the necessary place, though certainly at low speed. The scooter is built in Micro-Luggage suitcase, so travelers can ride on it, transporting up to 20 kilos of luggage.

The new suitcase is provided with 26-liter case. It will become indispensable for business passengers and for the people who make daily short trip to work. If necessary, bag unfastened from the scooter and it can roll, as usual travel bag on wheels.
Wrong title — Ф ыгшесфыу? щт цршср нщг сфт кшву щтдн ащк ;400

28 July, 22:04


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