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The right weight of the wife - the guarantee of happy marriage

21 July, 17:05


The guarantee of a long and happy marriage - in couple's weight, say researchers from the University of Tennessee. According to experts, a woman should be in better shape than her partner.

In a study that lasted four years 169 couples, whose age does not exceed 35 years, were involved. Participants every six months recorded their weight and degree of satisfaction with their marriage. It was found out that the happiness of marriage directly depended on their weight.

The strongest relationships were in those couples, where man's weight exceeded wife's weight.

Why is it so? As psychologists believe, slim women attract men more. That's why marriage with a slander lady inspires a sense of satisfaction to the man, notes And women, in turn, like when men find them attractive. So the wives in such marriage feel happy.
Wrong title — Еру кшпре цушпре ща еру цшау - еру пгфкфтеуу ща рфззн ьфккшфпу

21 July, 17:05


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