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Different newsDifferent news (41-50)
  • Hormones cause overeating Many fat people and people, who try to lose weight, notice that they start to gain weight in situations of strong nervous tension. Eating during stress moments "practice" at least 40% of people. Moreover, close by nervous person occur only sweet and fatty foods.

    2 July, 15:08

  • Plants improve the health of office workers House plants can improve the health of workers suffering from stress, and reduce the number of sick-lists they take. Scientists of the Agricultural University of Norway affirm that plants in office positively affect the health of employees.

    31 May, 18:56

  • Zombies in the center of Moscow In the very center of Moscow on Old Arbat dozens of young men came in suits of zombie and established an unusual flashmob.

    29 May, 19:25

  • Germans have to make up the test of "dog law" Dog owners who don't have enough experience in pet-keeping, will be obliged to pass a "dog licence".

    28 May, 19:02

  • A secret bar with alcohol and billiards was found in prison The secret bar with alcohol and billiards was found in the Mexican city of Chihuahua prison.

    27 May, 22:21

  • Ukrainian people are afraid of prices The sharp price growth is the main fear of 72.8% of Ukrainian people. These survey data suggests the Center for Social and Political Studies "Socis" together with the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the Kuras National Academy of Sciences.

    27 May, 21:59

  • It is easier to get a job for men than for women in Ukraine In April, the level of employment of women by the State Employment Service of Ukraine made up 10,3% against 18% of men employment.

    26 May, 02:21

  • Beauties Give Birth to Daughters The evolutionary psychologists from London School of Economics state that beautiful women have more children than their plainer counterparts, and a higher proportion of those children are girls.

    7 April, 12:17

  • The Scientists Prove that Chocolate Makes Women Slimmer The results of a new research undertaken by American scientists showed that girls who like chocolate and sweets have lower body mass index ( BMI) than the ones who do not consume sweets.

    4 April, 19:45

  • Fresh Coffee and Walk in Park Cure Depression The smell of fresh coffee and a walk in the park, two simple pleasures which are key to a happy life.

    1 April, 00:25

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World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian