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Germans have to make up the test of "dog law"

28 May, 19:02


Dog owners who don't have enough experience in pet-keeping, will be obliged to pass a "dog licence".

After long debate government of Lower Saxony has passed a  law, according to which dog owners will have to pass a "dog licence" if they don't have enough experience in pet-keeping to prove their competence.

Hunters, veterinarians and representatives of some other professions, such as employees of shelters for animals are exempted from the exam.

In addition, the document is not required to get for those dog owners who had no problems with animals for at least two consecutive years during last ten years.

The owner of identity may transfer his rights to paddock animals to any third person under his responsibility, that's why it's not necessary to have a specific document for every member of the family where there is a dog.

Pass the exam one can in any of registered dog fancier associations or at schools of dog. 
Wrong title — Пукьфты рфму ещ ьфлу гз еру еуые ща @вщп дфц@

28 May, 19:02


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