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Zombies in the center of Moscow

29 May, 19:25


In the very center of Moscow on Old Arbat dozens of young men came in suits of zombie and established an unusual flashmob.

On May 14, the second flashmob called Zombie Parade took place in Moscow. Dozens of bloodied bodies were rambling along the street and terrifying people, who were unprepared for such show - writes

Faces and hands of zombie parade participants were smeared with blood, wrapped in bandages, some of them were eating animals, such as a teddy bear.

The event looked very realistic - flashmob members showed enough creativity. However, it didn't last for a long time, because at the end of the parade OMON detained about 30 participants - among them mostly schoolchildren.
Wrong title — Ящьишуы шт еру сутеук ща Ьщысщц

29 May, 19:25


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