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Ukrainian people are afraid of prices

27 May, 21:59


The sharp price growth is the main fear of 72.8% of Ukrainian people. These survey data suggests the Center for Social and Political Studies "Socis" together with the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the Kuras National Academy of Sciences.

Respondents were asked to answer the question about their biggest fear nowadays. There were several variants to choose.

Thus 65.2% of respondents are afraid of non-payment of salaries and pensions.
64.1% - unemployment and losing their jobs.
51.8% - poor health.
41.8% - environmental disasters.
32% - crime increasing.
31.6% - hunger.
22.5% - cold in their apartments.

The survey showed the secondary importance of such concerns as curtailing of democracy, foreign military threat, the establishment of dictatorship and loss of independence of Ukraine. Less than 3% of respondents do not fear at all.

The survey was conducted 5-16 May. The scientists interviewed 2004 respondents aged 18 and above, living all over Ukraine.
Wrong title — Глкфштшфт зущзду фку факфшв ща зкшсуы

27 May, 21:59


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