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Plants improve the health of office workers

31 May, 18:56


House plants can improve the health of workers suffering from stress, and reduce the number of sick-lists they take. Scientists of the Agricultural University of Norway affirm that plants in office positively affect the health of employees.

Researchers were observing 305 employees at three different offices, which differ from each other in the number of indoors plants. Scientists compared the number of sick-lists taken by the stuff with the number of plants that one could see from his workplace.

Results indicates that the stuff will take less sick-lists if they can watch more plants.

House plants and special ground-based bacteria neutralize volatile organic components which weaken public health. Scientists also assert that those employees who work in the floral zone, cope with their duties much better than those whose workplace is located in zone without flowers. 
Wrong title — Здфтеы шьзкщму еру руфдер ща щаашсу цщклукы

31 May, 18:56


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