Tag: "flowers"Tag: "flowers" (1-2)
Someone stole Sergei Svetlakov's flowers Popular actor and humorist Sergei Svetlakov told the sad story of his September 1. His family prepared carefully for this momentous day. Sergei prepared a bouquet of beautiful gladiolus, which were grown in their own garden. Saddest thing that Svetlakov failed to bring flowers to the school - writes www.newsme.com.ua
31 August, 20:51
Plants improve the health of office workers House plants can improve the health of workers suffering from stress, and reduce the number of sick-lists they take. Scientists of the Agricultural University of Norway affirm that plants in office positively affect the health of employees.
31 May, 18:56
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian