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The most sexy age for women

22 August, 22:08


Scientists from different countries surveyed more than 1,000 women to set in which period of life women and girls feel themselves the most attractive and sexy. Polls were conducted by qualified psychologists and sexologists of leading European universities and research centers.

In different periods of life girls and women have sex with varying frequency. As it turned out, women 30-35 years old have sex on average two times less frequently than girls in 20-25 years. With age, women have less and less sex. At the age of 45 to 55 women have sex no more than 4-5 times a month. While young girls 20-25 years old have sex an average of 10-12 times per month. But scientists have made an interesting discovery that women in their thirties receive more pleasure from sex than younger girls. This statement was made by 50% of respondents.

During research, the sexiest age was clarified - 34 years. Similarly, researchers found that women in their thirties are more ready to start relationships on the side or even date with several partners - said
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22 August, 22:08


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