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Delay is a problem of ejaculation

22 August, 21:10


Any man wants to have sex as long as possible. However, there are cases when delay of ejaculation becomes nothing but the whole tragedy for lovers.

A delayed ejaculation is observed approximately in every 20 man. Such men can have orgasms only if they do make love at least 30 minutes. There are cases when people can not experience orgasm despite all efforts and prolonged sexual intercourse. In a single cases delayed ejaculation can happen because of taken alcohol. If problems with ejaculation occurring frequently, then more likely that the reason is different.

Researchers at the American University of Indiana announced that there is a category of men who are not able to have orgasm, doing the usual sex (vaginal or oral). To achieve orgasm, they need additional accessories, such as vibrators.

The man can also has problems with ejaculation as a result of surgery in the pelvic area, through the use of antidepressants or psychological problems. It should also be noted that about 15% of women never experience orgasm from usual sex - said
Wrong title — Вудфн шы ф зкщидуь ща уофсгдфешщт

22 August, 21:10


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