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Women will die because of men's habits

7 September, 23:12


Because of bad habits, including smoking, women more frequently get sick, that's why their life expectancy will decrease. Statistics says that in Europe women live longer than men.

However, recent data suggest that the difference in life expectancy is gradually reducing - more and more women become ill.

Advantage in life expectancy women have because of biological and behavioral advantage over men. But having analyzed demographic data in 27 EU countries, the experts have concluded that due to bad habits, including smoking, women increasingly get ill. In particular, it is evident by the statistics in Italy - said

Overall, life expectancy in EU countries ranges from 77 to 84.4 years for women (as in Bulgaria and France), and from 66.3 to 80 years for men (respectively, in Lithuania and Iceland).
Wrong title — Цщьут цшдд вшу иусфгыу ща ьутэы рфишеы

7 September, 23:12


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