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Gaitana’s preparations for shooting official Eurovision music video

26 March, 14:09


There’s not much time left until Eurovision 2012. Participants from all countries have already been selected, songs have been represented and a drawing ceremony’s been held. Now, the whole Europe is waiting for official music videos of all contestants.

Gaitana, who is going to represent Ukraine at the international song contest this year, has worked on the conception of her video pretty hard. The artist gathered a team of real professionals in order to create a dynamic, inspiring and creative music video to the song “Be my guest”. After long discussions the main idea has been chosen and, now, Gaitana is going to implement it. Next week, long-awaited shooting of the new Eurovision music video will start.

Exclusive stage image was created specially for the filming. The best team will work on the new music video, headed by such directors as Semen Gorov and Kadim Tarasov.

The main message of the video - “colorful life is real”. Both, director and artist are going to represent the diversity of nations, cultures, emotions and images with the help of colours, paints, light, different forms and objects.

“We’ve been going towards this aim for such a long time. There were a lot of ideas, suggestions, which we wanted to implement in a very creative way. The song “Be my guest” is tremendous and dynamic by itself. We pointed at development of a worthy concept, which would be able to pass the main idea of our song. Thus, it appeared and, now, with a sense of having done our duty, we can begin our work. People have never seen anything like we’re thinking of. Music video “Be my guest” will be the brightest and the most colorful video work for the last time. I will keep the details a secret, because I want it to become a huge surprise. I’m looking forward to realize everything we’ve planned and to present such a bright video!”, - says Gaitana.
Wrong title — Пфшефтф’ы зкузфкфешщты ащк ырщщештп щаашсшфд Угкщмшышщт ьгышс мшвущ

26 March, 14:09


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