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Albina Leaves Via Gra

23 March, 23:40


In the past few months, all the media attention was attached to the the VIA Gra, there were some rumours that Albina Dzhanabaeva was considering to leave the group.

As it has been reported by, the red-haired singer had confirmed her leave. 
We want to remind you that Albina had been in the group for more than six years and now she plans to go with solo career, become a film actress and create her own clothing line. Furthermore, it became known who will take the place of the "third".  So, a new,  the 13th in a row, will be Tatiana Vorzheva, ex participant of “Fabrika Zviozd” .

Wrong title — Фдиштф Дуфмуы Мшф Пкф

23 March, 23:40


Today is the name day of:

Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian