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Johnny Depp repented that deceive children

26 March, 09:44


Johnny Depp has admitted in interviews that the terrible experiences because of what he has to "make a lie. Especially his struggles with his conscience for having cheated on their children for a long time. 

False is actually part of my profession. Deceiving, I earn their bread. Extreme precision. I am thinking that this is essentially acting, "he said. - Actually, I've long felt horrible guilt, pretending to be Santa Claus. I keep expecting as children come to me and say, "Hey, you told us a lie!" I feel a terrible sense of guilt ". 

Depp shared his thoughts about its popularity. He genuinely does not understand what it gave the title sex symbol. "For me is if someone appreciates my work. But I could never understand other points of his profession, such as lists of most-most that publish different magazines. It's strange and sometimes unpleasant. I know, have to look at their head every morning when I čiŝu teeth, "says he," express Gazeta ". Depp and shared his reflections on the modern kinematrografa. "Looked something. 

Frankly speaking, modern films I like something not very. Only start opening titles-and I have everything ready. And it is not that people are making great films. I just don't see the sense in them and don't understand why they should be watching, "said Johnny.
Wrong title — Ощрттн Вузз кузутеув ерфе вусушму сршдвкут

26 March, 09:44


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