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Gaitana parties with Russia, Serbia, Croatia and Germany!

22 May, 23:33


During last couple of days Gaitana was invited to great events organized by Serbia, Russia, Croatia and Germany. These events took place at different and very interesting venues. Serbian party was held at Hilton hotel where Gaitana stays. At Serbian party Ukrainian representative was also glad to meet Ivi Adamou from Cyprus.

Russia’s “Buranovskie Babushki” invited Gaitana to a wonderful Sea Breeze hotel at the Caspian cost. Their song in Udmurt language really impressed Ukrainian singer.

On May 21st Gaitana visited two parties at a row – Croatian and German where Gaitana met her friends Kaliopi from Macedonia and Zeljko from Serbia. Germany’s Roman Lob gathered hundreds of friends, journalists and Eurovision fans.

Gaitana: «I was really happy to attend so bright and unique events. I got a lot of new friends and was impressed by the contestants who are incredibly talented people. I want to thank “Buranovskie Babushki”, Roman, Nina and Zeljko for inviting me. I had great time at their events!”

National songs that Gaitana heard at the parties really impressed her and she will definitely add them her music collection from all over the world.

We are glad to share pictures from “Eurovision 2012” parties visited by Gaitana.
Wrong title — Пфшефтф зфкешуы цшер Кгыышф? Ыукишф? Скщфешф фтв Пукьфтн!

22 May, 23:33


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

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