Shurins and Kolia Serga to Go Yurmala

There was held a final of national selection tour for the international competition of young pop music performers called “ Novaya Volna” ( New Wave).
There were about 20 singers competing in the selection tour, among which only five were chosen: Stas Shurins, Maria Sobko, Renata Shtifel and duet “ Emotion”.
It is known that the participants for the international competitions were selected by the jury consisting of one of the founder of “ Novaya Volna” – Ihor Krutoi, composer Konstatin Meladze and director of competition Alexander Revzin.
Wrong title — Ыргкшты фтв Лщдшф Ыукпф ещ Пщ Нгкьфдф
Source: Edited by
Tags: New Wave, Ihor Krutoi, Konstatin Meladze, Alexander Revzin, Stas Shurins, Maria Sobko, Renata Shtifel, Emotion
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World Poetry Day
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Kuzma, Lev, Flavian