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An American Gives 10K To the Person Who Finds Him a Wife

29 March, 23:49


The San Francisco resident is 40 and still single and he really wants to find his life partner and the one who presents the right candidate to him will be generously awarded. 

Chass McFeely put up a dating website where he is the only eligible bachelor available. 

All the terms and conditions of the “ campaign” are on the website and the person who finds a girl to marry Chass will get $ 10 000.
Wrong title — Фт Фьукшсфт Пшмуы 10Л Ещ еру Зукыщт Црщ Аштвы Ршь ф Цшау

29 March, 23:49


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian