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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Comeback to Acting

25 January, 22:51


Now that Arnold Schwarzenegger's term as governor of California is over, he is already looking to return to movie business. The actor told that he is currently looking at three scripts. Here's what Arnold Schwarzenegger had to say:

"Currently I'm reading three scripts. One topic/script, which I considered a long time ago before governor, is delighting me particularly. In it I would play an older soldier, who gets the order at the ending of the war to kill a bunch of kids. But he doesn't do it and get them to safety at the risk of his life and it has all kind of adventure. This script is based on a true story!"

The movie that Schwarzenegger is describing is With Wings as Eagles, which was written by Randall Wallace (Braveheart, We Were Soldiers).

The story is based on the true life story of a German officer who doesn't agree with his Nazi party and instead helps the American POWs escape.
Wrong title — Фктщдв Ысрцфкяутуппукэы Сщьуифсл ещ Фсештп

25 January, 22:51


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