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The Eternal Love Does Exist!

25 January, 23:18


While psychologists are advising the young couples on how to keep the romance as long as they can, the neurologists scanned the human brain and showed that eternal love can exist.

Previously the scientists proved that when we communicate with someone we love, our body produces specific hormone – dopamine, which is responsible for “enjoyment of life”. However, according to a popular belief, as time passes the production of this hormone drops as we keep on communicating with our loved one and eventually, roughly in 10 years, the magic of love disappears.

However, this time the “no-eternal-love” belief was largely refuted! Scientists from the Stony Brook University, New York, scanned brains of married couples, who were happily married, and showed that the dopamine level in their brains was as high as that in people who just fell in love with each other.
Wrong title — Еру Уеуктфд Дщму Вщуы Учшые!

25 January, 23:18


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