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Beyonce Says That Her Husband Was Her First!

26 January, 00:02


When asked about her prior relationships by a British magazine, Beyonce said : " People would be surprised as to the lack of experience I've had, ' she says. ' When I was 12,13 I had my first boyfriend, and he was my boyfriend till I was 17.

 At that age, that was a long time.I've always been very loyal and a little more mature.

Though I was too young for it to really be a boyfriend - we didn't live together, we didn't, you know . . . That was my only experience with a guy, and since then I've only had one other boyfriend in my life - Jay".
Wrong title — Иунщтсу Ыфны Ерфе Рук Ргыифтв Цфы Рук Ашкые!

26 January, 00:02


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