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Ambulance That Purportedly Carried JFK´s Body Sold at Auction for $120k!

26 January, 17:55


The ambulance said to have carried the body of President John F. Kennedy after he was assassinated has been sold for $120,000.

 The 1963 gray Pontiac Bonneville that allegedly carried former US president John F. Kennedy after he was killed was sold at an auction in Arizona.

 Even though ownership authenticity was questioned, Addison Brown of Paradise Valley, Arizona was willing to pay $120,000 for the vehicle. The car collector says that she bought this car because she wanted a "piece of history".
Wrong title — Фьигдфтсу Ерфе Згкзщкеувдн Сфккшув ОАЛ´ы Ищвн Ыщдв фе Фгсешщт ащк ;120л!

26 January, 17:55


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