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Australian Faces Jail for Kissing Wife on Butt!

26 January, 18:00


An Australian has been warned that he could face a jail term after he drunkenly kissed his estranged wife on her bottom. 

He and his wife, who was also unidentified, had been having marital problems. After drinking one night, he went to her home and found her laying in bed.

The man asked her to roll over onto her stomach, but she refused, the newspaper reports. He then forcibly flipped her, pulled down her pants, then kissed her behind. After this incident the couple officially divorced and the 48-year-old man appeared in court to plead guilty to a charge of indecent assault.
Wrong title — Фгыекфдшфт Афсуы Офшд ащк Лшыыштп Цшау щт Игее!

26 January, 18:00


Yaryna Kutsyna,

Tags: jail, bottom, wife

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