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New PSP2 with OLED Screen and 3G Support

26 January, 18:57


Gamers will soon be able to witness the launch of a new Sony PSP2 that will feature an OLED screen and support 3G. 

The information on the preliminary details of the console and PSP smartphone were recently unveiled in Nikkei, a Japanese newspaper.It would be interesting to note that in addition to the features of previous versions, the new PSP2 will have 3G and WLAN support. 

Thus players will be able to get together online.Besides, the new device boasts a new OLED screen and an upgraded processor.It is worth mentioning that the tech giant Sony decided to include in its new devices some additional features like online gaming and multimedia services. Besides being able to play video games, user will also have the opportunity to watch online videos and listen to the music. 

The company is expected to present the new PSP2 system in January 27, when it holds a pres conference. In addition, Sony will release the PSP smartphone in February.
Wrong title — Туц ЗЫЗ2 цшер ЩДУВ Ыскуут фтв 3П Ыгззщке

26 January, 18:57


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