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Taisia Povaliy won't adopt a child

26 May, 01:03


It is rumoured in Internet, that the singer Taisia Povaliy wants to adopt a child. Having even confirmed this personally, she said "we've thought with my husband, that we would't have any other possibility."

But the singer's husband and produser Ihor Lihuta denied it: "Taya really told about it, but it was a year ago in Moscow! We don't plan an adoption now. It's hard to rear a child, while we're allways on tour. It's impossible to bring him with us. And if he fall ill, it will be a before infarction condition for us, because I know Taya, I know how crazy mom she is" - writes 

The singer has 27 years old son Denis. "Ofcourse, Taya wants a child. Moreover, we haven't common children. But now we have a lot of work, that's why - unfortunately..." - Lihuta admitted.
Wrong title — Ефшышф Зщмфдшн цщтэе фвщзе ф сршдв

26 May, 01:03


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