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Miguel Arteta Wants To Turn Adam Sandler Into A Fat Man

30 January, 16:52


During the promotion for Judd Apatow's Funny People, one viral tactic the marketing team took was to create posters and trailers for fake Adam Sandler movies. With titles like Astro-Not, My Best Friend Is A Robot and Dog's Best Friend, it was a great meta look at some of the horrible choices Sandler has made during his career. This new project sounds exactly like one of those films. 

First Showing caught up with director Miguel Arteta, who is promoting his newest film, Ceder Rapids, at Sundance, and he has revealed a desire to do a project that he believes Sandler has been circling called Fat Man. Based on a script by Mike Reiss, the comedian would play an 800 pound man who falls in love with his nurse. Arteta, who has apparently gotten a look at the script, calls it "very touching" and "beautifully written" - oh, and mentions that the fat man is naked for the first half of the film. 

Arteta's Ceder Rapids is getting some great marks at this year's festival and while his last film, Youth in Revolt, underperformed at the box office, it was fairly well liked by critics. That said, I really hope he doesn't go down this road. As much as he might like the script, I'm not sure how it's much different than the stuff Eddie Murphy has been doing for the last fifteen years, and nobody wants to see more of that. Here's hoping that both Arteta and Sandler can find a better use for their time.
Wrong title — Ьшпгуд Фкеуеф Цфтеы Ещ Егкт Фвфь Ыфтвдук Штещ Ф Афе Ьфт

30 January, 16:52


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