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Rock band "Druga Rika" falls apart

28 May, 17:53


Ukrainian rock band "Druga Rika", founded in 1996, falls apart. As the bass guitarist Victor Skuratovskyi says, their video for the song "Neznayomka" will be a farewell work.

"Neznayomka" - is really a farewell clip. The song and the theme are the same by chance, so the video is really farewell work."- Skuratovskyi told.

"When we're ready to make a statement for the press about the group "Druga Rika" collapse, than we'll do it" - the musician added, wrote.

At the same time Valeriy Harchyshyn, front-man of the group commented on this: "Recently, we've met with a whole band, moreover at the street. But we've had a small conflict there, and we've found out, that there are at least 5 problems, we have. But we don't want to wash that dirty linen in public, so I think we'll better make a statement later. In a week or two, I guess."

He admitted that the band had a lot of plans so they had to finish their concert schedule first.
Wrong title — Кщсл ифтв @Вкгпф Кшлф@ афдды фзфке

28 May, 17:53


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