Rock band "Druga Rika" falls apart

Ukrainian rock band "Druga Rika", founded in 1996, falls apart. As the bass guitarist Victor Skuratovskyi says, their video for the song "Neznayomka" will be a farewell work.
"Neznayomka" - is really a farewell clip. The song and the theme are the same by chance, so the video is really farewell work."- Skuratovskyi told.
"When we're ready to make a statement for the press about the group "Druga Rika" collapse, than we'll do it" - the musician added, wrote.
At the same time Valeriy Harchyshyn, front-man of the group commented on this: "Recently, we've met with a whole band, moreover at the street. But we've had a small conflict there, and we've found out, that there are at least 5 problems, we have. But we don't want to wash that dirty linen in public, so I think we'll better make a statement later. In a week or two, I guess."
He admitted that the band had a lot of plans so they had to finish their concert schedule first.
Wrong title — Кщсл ифтв @Вкгпф Кшлф@ афдды фзфке
Tags: Druga Rika, collapce, video
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