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Tiny Scanner Fujitsu ScanSnap S1100

30 January, 17:06


You hate paper, but you hate scanners even more. After all, a bill, invoice or business card can at least be stuffed in a box, out of sight, and remain lost until you brave the dust years later as you desperately try to find that one essential receipt. Scanners, on the other hand, take up desk space and work at a speed that makes a fax machine look like a DSLR.

Or do they? Fujitsu’s ScanSnap S1100 is a mere strip of a scanner, small enough that you could Velcro it to the top of your iMac’s screen and forget about it until you get yet another envelope full of crap through the mail. Feed a sheet into its hungry (yet slim) maw and it will digest it in 7.5 seconds, pooping out a searchable PDF to your computer via the USB cable that also powers it. If you don’t feed the paper quite straight, no matter: the scanner will detect it and adjust. And at 300dpi you could also scan your junk-mail and enjoy pin-sharp pictures of greasy pizza on your 27-inch monitor.

The ScanSnap S1100 isn’t cheap, at $200, but then again, it’s probably worth it not to have a huge, whining flatbed scanner collecting dust in the corner of the office. Available now.
Wrong title — Ештн Ысфттук Агошеыг ЫсфтЫтфз Ы1100

30 January, 17:06


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