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Natalka Karpa became hippies and sang about the voice

31 May, 16:12


Ukrainian singer Natalka Karpa presented a new video for the song "Tviy Golos"(Your Voice). The song has several years, but the the idea to screen it has appeared recently. Natalka Karpa and her creative director Olya Voytsovych were producers of the video.

By the way, Natalka personally and very successfully worked at creating images, so the clip came out bright and stylistically interesting. The image of the singer in frames with Rubik cube looks like hippie style. And her unusual hairstyle gave zest to the scenes with gifts and gramophone.

"The unique ancient gramophone of 50-60s of XX century - says Natalka Karpa - we found in one of the most luxurious deluxe hotels in Lviv. In the day of filming we listened to a dozen records, getting back into time machine! Moreover, I've learned how to gather Rubic cube in three minutes. :) Incidentally, it's become a favorite occupation for the film crew between shootings."
Wrong title — Тфефдлф Лфкзф иусфьу ршззшуы фтв ыфтп фищге еру мщшсу
31 May, 16:12


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