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Madonna and Kelly Osbourne Work Together

1 February, 16:57


26-year-old Kelly Osbourne is set to replace the 17-year-old Gossip Girl star Taylor Momsen as the new face of Madonna's Material Girl clothing line, according to a new report.

Madonna launched an online search for the next poster girl for the fashion collection, encouraging fans to vote for their favourite through the brand's website. 

Singer-turned-reality TV star Osbourne is now said to be in the lead to take over from the Gossip Girl actress to front the next advertising campaign for the range, which is designed by Madonna and her daughter Lourdes. Both Madonna and her 14-year-old daughter Lourdes couldn't be happier. 

A source tells Britain's Sunday Mirror, "Kelly's always been a massive fan of Madonna and recently heard Lourdes idolised her, which she was very flattered by. It's a huge coup."
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1 February, 16:57


Yaryna Kutsyna,

Tags: Madonna, Kelly Osbourne

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