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Ani Lorak became a Mother!

13 June, 15:26


Our congratulations to Caroline and Murat with the long-awaited happens! 9 June at 22:50, they became the parents of a beautiful daughter. Baby weighs 3 kg 290 g and her height 52 cm

We wish a good health, long and happy life for the little princess. Let it always pleases parents and native people her beauty, intelligence and good character. Let your family will be strong, united and happy!

«Finally happened joyful event in our lives with Murat, our Daughter was born, our Sun, our Angel! Me and baby feel good. I am pleased to share this happy with everyone, who sincerely worried about me! Thank you for amazing congratulations and support!» - commented Ani Lorak.
Wrong title — Фтш Дщкфл иусфьу ф Ьщерук!

13 June, 15:26


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian