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Yulia Volkova Bought Out The Tatu Brand

4 February, 15:20


Yulia Volkova bought from the producers a large percentage of the “Tatu” brand share. 

Now the singer has a greater percentage of the group ownership and the right to dispose of the group’s musical material. 

"Unfortunately, I can’t describe the details of our business deal - it wouldn’t be right. 

Yulia is my business partner indeed and owns a share of the brand" – said Boris Renskyy, the last producer of "Tatu".
Wrong title — Нгдшф Мщдлщмф Ищгпре Щге Еру Ефег Икфтв

4 February, 15:20


Today We Celebrate

World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian