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Bobby McFerrin Performs Concert with Students February 24

9 February, 14:00


Berklee's Africana Studies Concert Series presents Sing Song with Bobby McFerrin on Thursday, February 24, at the Berklee Performance Center.

For this concert, McFerrin performs an improvisational program with Berklee student vocalists in the 24-member Singing Tribe Ensemble, conducted by associate voice professor Joey Blake. The ensemble was chosen through auditions, callbacks, and essay submissions detailing what the students hoped to gain from the experience.

The concert is the culmination of McFerrin's weeklong residency, his second visit as Africana Studies visiting professor. The program for the evening will be determined through McFerrin's workshops with the students the week of the concert.
Wrong title — Ищиин ЬсАуккшт Зукащкьы Сщтсуке цшер Ыегвутеы Ауикгфкн 24

9 February, 14:00


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