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Rihanna Agrees To Soften Chris Brown Restraining Order

11 February, 11:23


Rihanna's lawyer told E! News that she has agreed to allow the current restraining order against ex Chris Brown to be relaxed.

The "S&M" singer requested the order to be bumped down to a level one, which would mean that the two are allowed to contact each other as long as Brown doesn't harass or annoy his superstar ex. E! reports that Brown's lawyer, Mark Geragos, is aware of the request but needs to head to the court for a judge to officially change the original order.

Judge Patricia Schnegg put the protective order into effect in August 2009 after Brown pleaded guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend. The restriction mandated that the former couple were barred from communicating with each other and that they must maintain their distance if they were to attend the same event.

Rihanna's request comes after a January 28 status hearing during which it was revealed that Brown's "stay away" order would likely be reduced to a "do not annoy" order. Brown completed a yearlong domestic-violence course in December and has been lavished with praise by Schnegg for his progress during his status hearings.

"Of all probationers I've ever had, and I've had thousands of probationers, no one has ever done a better or more consistent job than you have," Schnegg said during a November hearing. "And I really want to commend you for taking responsibility, and for actually working diligently to complete all of the things the court has required of you."

While the exes can be in contact now, a reunion on Grammy night Brown's assault on Rihanna happened just before the Grammys in 2009 remains unlikely. Rihanna will hit the stage, but while Brown is nominated, he is not scheduled to attend.
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11 February, 11:23


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