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Pregnant Stotskaya starves

2 July, 09:22


Being on a decent month of pregnancy Anastasia Stotskaya decided to sit on a diet. Thus, Nastya wants to save herself from the problem of excess weight after giving birth..

From the first month of pregnancy Nastya constrains herself - do not eat fat food or fried.

In fact, it's a standard diet of pregnant girls, of course, the ladies in this position can not refuse anything, because that's the kid, who ask to eat. But doctor advise to refrain from spice, fatty, salty, fried foods - writes

"Dietitian made a special menu for me - balanced, and only healthy food. The kid gets the most important vitamins" - says Nastya. 

Hopefully, this is true. Because often, the future mother do not control her actions through hormonal jumping.
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2 July, 09:22


Today is the name day of:

Athanasius, Cyril, Mary, Markian