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Ani Lorak and Philip Kirkorov become cheaper

2 July, 13:51


For this summer Philip Kirkorov agreed to reduce the price for his performance.. By the way, not only Philip is working on such standards.

The fact is that many stars prefer to give concerts in the resort areas, mixing business with pleasure - it let them make money and to bake in the sun at the same time. For example, there will be Kirkorov's concert in mid-July in Yalta. The minimum ticket costs 120 UAH, while prices in Kiev started with 150 UAH, according to

Ani Lorak apparently decided to "copy" from her good friend Philip. She also reduced ticket prices. You can soon visit Lorak's concert for only 200 UAH. Concert in Yalta is screduled for early August - said
Wrong title — Фтш Дщкфл фтв Зршдшз Лшклщкщм иусщьу сруфзук

2 July, 13:51


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