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Satie Kazanove starts a restaurant business?

2 July, 14:23


Ex-soloist of the band "Fabrika" is seriously think about the extra income.

Artist wants to open her own restaurant. As the girl has recently confessed, she loves a good meal. Satie prefer Eastern and Caucasian cuisine. In the success of her future business she has no doubt. Because she is Caucasian by origin. In this country all the girls from the small age learn to cook much and delicious - writes "Paparazzi". 

"I will try my guests to feel at home" - says Satie in an interview for "Tvoy den". "I haven't yet determined on the interior, but the cuisine will be surely Eastern" - reported
Wrong title — Ыфешу Лфяфтщму ыефкеы ф куыефгкфте игыштуыы&

2 July, 14:23


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